Saturday, September 5, 2015

Back to school week....

It's that time of year... Back To School! Parents around the world are celebrating (yeah, I'm doing the cabbage patch!) and kids are groaning.... or not!

My three were actually ready for school to start again. The summer was a grand one, but they miss their international friends. And, frankly, it's too hot here to make the effort to do much of anything... even in the way of playdates. At best, we made a trip up to Yas Mall to play around on the new skateboards. It's like a segway but without the handles.

But indoor fun is about the only fun you can plan here. I mean, seriously, people. How much fun can you really have in 123 degree heat with 71% humidity... by 8:30 IN THE MORNING?  HOT! Notice the dew point down at 84 degrees... that means stepping outside means stepping into a soggy wet blanket of air...

And there were days upon DAYS of this kind of weather... and then the wind picked up and we had "haze" with the humidity and heat. You just can't do much of anything so we were all tired of being stuck in the flat; we were all sick of each other's company.

TGI-School In A Few Days!

Now, you know me... I have to have it all organized BEFORE the first day... I mean right down to the pens, pencils, and markers. So, perhaps the kids were a little more anxious for school to start than their friends because their mother has "that crazy organizing thing" that she does.

We cleaned out their rooms...
We sorted the papers & folders from last year...
We ripped out the used pages from only partially utilized spirals...
We sorted out the backpacks and pencil cases...
We reorganized their home lockers...
We labeled lunch boxes and PE bags....

Whew! I think the kids were ready to go back to the classroom if only to have a proper rest!

The school is letting us use last year's uniforms as long as they "fit" so I had the hems and waists let out, as necessary. Gems American Academy did go with a different uniform supplier for this year, so OF COURSE, the uniform is slightly different.. and OF COURSE, we had to buy at least one. There is a new tie, and the fabric is thinner, and the logo is slightly changed...
I swear this is all a ploy to get you to drop MORE cash.

I still think they look like a very snazzy flight crew. It's the tie/scarf thing, combined with the AA logo. It would really complete the flight crew look if the school was more keen on roller backpacks. But, alas.. that's the only saving grace. As it is, even mostly empty, the girls look like a stiff wind will blow them right over.

Another big change in this school year is that Devin and Madeline will be back on a 5 day schedule. It's so awesome!! Every Sunday will be the same.... Every Monday will be the same... etc. Olivia is still on an 8 day schedule, so my calendar system is still necessary, but not near as critical to our daily sanity.

Currently, I'm sitting here waiting for 9 am to roll around so I can enroll the kids in their non-competative after school activities. There's a google form enrollment that the school opens for 2 hours at precisely 9 AM. You snooze, you lose as the classes are limited in size... and the girls have definite activities they want. Madeline will be taking golf lessons again this year; Olivia wants Cooperative Games (mostly because her current teacher, Ms. Dori, will be leading it.)

Devin has made arrangements to join the after school Jazz band. He took his trombone on the bus today as he thinks they have their first rehearsal this afternoon. He also plans to be in the "Rubber Band" in which he plays the kit (drums). They are a less official group that does surprise performances in the lobby of the school before/after school just for the enjoyment of the students.

Devin did attend the trials for the local football (soccer) club he played with last year, but he decided to not accept their invitation. I think the 128 degree heat with 63% humidity may have weighed a bit in his decision.... It's truly miserable, and he just doesn't have football running through his veins...

So, he's decided to give another sport a chance; he's starting tennis lessons this Thursday. Olivia thinks she wants to do ballet, so I'm currently in the process of hunting down leads for that. Madeline says there is an after school theater group that she wants to join. I'm sure I'll be hearing more about it as school settles in and the teachers get the various clubs up and functioning...

In the meantime, I'm enjoying the routine as the dust settles from the first week of school. I've already started meeting with my various coffee groups, book clubs, moms clubs, PTA ladies, and neighborhood gals. I expect the school will start calling me to sub in the next few weeks as there is a desert cold being passed around. But until then, I'm looking forward to the daily routines of getting kids back into the swing of the everyday....

Bring on the AC... and my favorite cuppa tea!