Wednesday, July 30, 2014

It's like a game of Tetris....

So I guess all those years of playing Tetris as kids could have been considered "job training" if you wanted to be a professional overseas packing & shipping company. 

The movers took this... 

And fit it into this 20 foot "can"...

... with room to spare! They had it packed from floor to ceiling in an almost perfect Tetris-like way. I was extremely impressed. After they tied it all in snug & tight (shifting during transit would be bad), they closed it, locked it, & had me witness the placement of "the seal"... A little yellow locking pin that must be cut with bolt cutters to remove. 

So, now it's off on its own sea adventure as we campout inside our own home for the next few days. Flights are on Monday. We can hardly wait!  

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Sometimes, technology really is great!

I wouldn't call myself tech-challenged. I'm pretty tech savy, in my opinion (even if the tech in our house seems to prefer the male gender). But I was totally stumped about how to link my new blog to my FB page. I wanted it to update on the fly. 

Apparently, not as intuitive as you might imagine. I know I was surprised it wasn't just a couple of clicks on the old FB page... So, I googled it.

Hello  If[this]then[that], technically. 

Best kept secret if all tech time! 

So, without further adieu, here's our blog!

Packing Day.... and a Minecraft moment....

Today is the day!
Day 1 of the movers. <sigh>

The last two weeks have been leading up to this moment. I've spent countless hours sorting closets, hauling trash, making donations, thinning, thinning, thinning... all so we can take only the most essential of items half way across the globe to the 8th floor apartment we will call home for the next 12 months.

No one has been immune to my cleaning frenzy... not even the overnight friend of the youngest girl child. Dry dusting with the Swiffers by 8 am! Slave driver, I am!!!

What absolutely drives me crazy is that the 3 packing guys had it knocked out in under 5 hours! I mean they had the whole air shipment sorted, wrapped, boxed, taped, labeled, boxed again (in the freight container), and tied down... in practically no time at all!

So here's where I was stuck with a Minecraft moment....

If you have kids of a certain age, then you know EXACTLY what Minecraft is and how the game seems to defy physics quite frequently. I mean, trees with no trunks because you mined the wood... but the green leafy bits remain somehow suspended in free space?! Seriously...  & don't even get me started on the "crafting table". It defies logic! So, I was impressed when the movers were able to somehow fit all the strange little wrapped bits and rectangular boxes into a perfect cube... a BIG cube, but a cube... for our air shipment. They get paid by density, they told me, so it's to their advantage to make it all fit "just so" into one or two perfect cubes.

They did it... I'm impressed. It was definitely a Minecraft moment for me... maybe even a crafting table kind of mystic mojo moment.

Tomorrow they return for the sea shipment: the furniture. I'm dying to see how they pack the chaise lounge (in the background behind the girls). Even the Team Lead today scratched his head a bit over this one.... LOL!