Wednesday, July 30, 2014

It's like a game of Tetris....

So I guess all those years of playing Tetris as kids could have been considered "job training" if you wanted to be a professional overseas packing & shipping company. 

The movers took this... 

And fit it into this 20 foot "can"...

... with room to spare! They had it packed from floor to ceiling in an almost perfect Tetris-like way. I was extremely impressed. After they tied it all in snug & tight (shifting during transit would be bad), they closed it, locked it, & had me witness the placement of "the seal"... A little yellow locking pin that must be cut with bolt cutters to remove. 

So, now it's off on its own sea adventure as we campout inside our own home for the next few days. Flights are on Monday. We can hardly wait!  

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