Thursday, February 12, 2015

Not so "Revolting!!!"

One of the perks of an International School has to be the variety & scope of talents collected under one roof. And I'm talking about the students AND the teachers....

The differences between the various cultures is celebrated almost daily & a respect for each culture is fostered through so much of what happens in & out of the classroom. 

Devin has 12 different classes this semester. Seriously, TWELVE! Two of these classes are in the arts... He takes a band class & a theater class. 

It must be quite amazing & challenging to teach kids from such different backgrounds. So, I am in a constant state of awe when the arts teachers provide creative outlets such as this:

Devin sorta played the whole event down as "no big deal", but I would disagree! 

We started the evening with the members of the International Key Club circulating with food & drinks. The school lobby had been converted to an elegant setting complete with draped tables & candles...

We were allowed into the auditorium at 7 PM via a red carpet.  They had a red carpet!! 

There was even a photographer (a moonlighting teacher, I believe) on hand to take group photos. 

We took our seats & settled in for the show. I really wasn't sure what to expect...

Some of the numbers I recognize, some I don't. The only thing I knew for sure was that Devin had a part in No 22. Revolting Children, from the musical: Matilda. (He's been singing the lyrics around the flat for weeks & my girls have been re watching the movie on YouTube.)

What I DIDN'T realize was that Devin had parts in about 4 different vignettes. Cheeky little monkey never said a word! 

I snapped these during "Miss Ellie Etiquette ". He even had speaking parts! It was fast, but I think he says: "Oh yeah..." & "You stink!"


The show continued & was very entertaining. It bounced back & forth between comedy bits, musical numbers, dance pieces, & monologues... 

Then Devin suddenly popped up again! This time I think he's one of the "adoring fans" without a speaking part, but lots of acting...

Some of the pieces were light-hearted & funny dealing with topics like grades & social situations. Others were much deeper in context dealing with bullying & vanity. The dance numbers varied from ballet to modern, to hip-hop to a traditional Korean dance (complete with full costume!) I can honestly say that the students were able to swing the audience through a very wide range of emotions. 

Of course, in my opinion, the best number was "Revolting Children"! Devin even had a small solo. 

I took a video (which I can't post here since only photos are supported on this blog), but my phone died about halfway through the number. (Sigh)

I was so proud of him! Who knew the boy child could sing & dance?! He looked like he was having a great time. He was smiling & (practically) laughing through the whole show. He certainly had me smiling!!!

I asked him after the show if he was ever nervous. He said he had a great time & was never nervous... Not at all. 

Wow! I do believe we have a thespian in the family....

Bravo! Bravo!

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