Monday, August 11, 2014


We overslept this morning & missed the hotel breakfast.  No big deal... Lindsey's office is connected to a shopping mall, so we'd just eat at the food court.

Devin knew there was a McDonald's there so the kids decided that's where we'd have our breakfast. They planned their orders on the drive over:

Madeline wanted pancakes & sausage with an extra sausage...

Olivia just wanted sausage ... And maybe some scrambled eggs...

Devin wanted a sausage biscuit. Maybe two.

Hmmmm... There's a theme here. What I'm not completely certain is IF sausage (at least what we're used to) is even served in an Abu Dhabi McDonald's. We are in a country that, generally speaking, doesn't eat pork. Isn't that the supposed basis for McDonald's breakfast sausage?

I said as much in the car on the drive over. 

It sparked a debate as to whether USA McDonald's uses pork in their breakfast sausage patties (versus chicken or beef) & if there might be a reasonable substitute here. The kids' thoughts were, "how can you have a McDonald's in ANY country without a sausage biscuit?!"

Devin, especially, was adamant that there MUST be a sausage biscuit. It just couldn't be a McDonald's without it! He even said, "I just don't think I can live 15 months without a sausage biscuit. It just HAS to be there!" 

So... We dropped Lindsey at the front of his building & then drove down to the underground car park. 

There was still much discussion on the escalator ride up to the third floor. They all rushed to the counter where they smiled in triumph: sausage was on the menu! 

Wait, .... There were no biscuits! Only English muffins. 


LOL! Devin did give it a try, but he says it's just not the same. He's going to miss his new favorite: the sausage biscuit. The poor thing looked so dejected sitting there eating only his sausage patty. 

I asked him & the girls if the patties tasted the same as in the states & after a little debate, they think it's pretty close. We figure it's a different meat since it's lighter in color than we're used to, but a really close match on flavor. 

The bread is a different matter; none of them think the English muffin is a fair stand in for a buttermilk biscuit. 

Frankly, I agree with them. 

We couldn't even get buttermilk biscuits at KFC either. The meal comes with a "roll" which is actually an uncut hamburger bun. Sigh....

I guess I'm going to be making old fashioned buttermilk biscuits from scratch. You just can't find them here. So, if you have a really great recipe for fluffy biscuits, email or PM me. My kids will be eternally greatful... especially Devin. 

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