Saturday, August 16, 2014

Parking, Moroccan food, & British airplanes....

The last few days have been a crazy combination of odds & ends. The kids are just about adjusted to the time change... & we ALL are just about done with hotel food. 

I can't wait to get into the apartment full time. The only down side will be our assigned parking places. We have two spaces, but they are tamdum... as in, pull-thru-the-first-to-get-to-the-second...  but then you hit the wall. Ug. And it's that straight type of parking. 

Personally, I'm done with parking. Everything is straight-on parking. It's bad enough that I'm resorting to pictures in order to keep track of my parked car, but these straight parking spots next to huge SUVs in tiny spaces is about to do me in!!!

I will purposely pick a further out spot just so I can manuver into a spot without taking off the fender of the next car over. To be honest, most people back into these parking slots... I'm beginning to wonder if it's just easier to park that way. 
The only place I've found angled parking this the underground car park at IKEA. <sigh>

So last night, we branched out from the hotel standard dinner fare. Several of Lindsey's co-workers planned a dinner out at The Galleria for Moroccan food. Wow! What an experience! The food was tasty & (fairly) kid-friendly. The live band & DJ were very entertaining. 

Lindsey & I tried the traditional tasting dinner for two (a 4 course affair) while the kids had a whole roasted chicken (w/ roasted veggies) & "hamburger". I honestly couldn't tell you the names of anything. The soup was a kind of tomato based veggie w/ beans & unidentifiable meat bits. (Seriously, I don't want to know...) I had the chicken while Lindsey had the lamb dish. It was all served with lots of couscous. LOTS of couscous!

My favorite part, however, was the after dinner tea & assorted Moroccan pastries. Yummy!!! Tea must be a big deal for the culture because the servers made a big production of the pouring. It was definitely an experience. 

After all that good food, we slept in a bit this morning. 

However, Lindsey did promise Devin a little time together bonding today over some War Thunder.

Apparently, it's a WW2 airplane game. I've been hearing a lot of talk about British vs Russian vs American planes. It sounds like Devin & Jackson (also playing online back in the states) are better than Lindsey.... for the time being. There is a fair amount of smack talking. 

Boys. LOL! 

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